"Some leaders are born great, some achieve greatness and still others have greatness thrust upon them.”
Winston Churchill

Name : Lord Alan Sugar
Date of Birth : 24th March 1947
Place of Birth: Hackney
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Name : Lord Alan Sugar
Date of Birth : 24th March 1947
Place of Birth: Hackney
Occupation: Entrepreneur
How is Alan Sugar a Leader?
Alan Sugar has been voted Britain’s most inspirational business figure and leader. He is a born leader who has the inbuilt talent and qualities to motivate and inspire others. Kotze (2006) states Sugar believes in giving praise when it’s due. His leadership style is inclusive and he does not create any boundaries or dismiss those who operate on ‘lower’ level roles. Alan Sugar is a good listener, he treats his employees with respect which is why they have remained loyal and committed to him. According to Sadler (2003) leadership is recognized as central to determining the success or failure of any organisation. Sugar’s leadership style aims to get the best out of people. Alan Sugar is a successful leader as he doesn’t strive to be the most popular boss in the world, but works to earn the respect and loyalty from his employees and contemporaries.
How Alan Sugar motivates people?
Alan Sugar motivates and inspires his team by using clear, direct communication coupled with an inclusive management style. Murray (2010) states that one of Sugar’s main strengths is the ability to delegate and motivate people to work for him. He motivates people to become entrepreneurs by starting up and running their own businesses. Following the huge success of BBC2's show The Apprentice, Sugar gives a hopeful group of candidates the chance to battle it out and become his next Apprentice. Alan Sugar was recently co-opted onto a government scheme. This was designed to promote values of enterprise amongst the nation’s youth to motivate and encourage young people to start businesses of their own.